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Air Force Officials Spotlight Cost Jumps Delays For B 52 Modernization

Air Force Officials Spotlight Cost Jumps, Delays for B-52 Modernization

Ohio Air Force Officials Reveal Schedule Delays and Rising Costs

WEB DAYTON, Ohio - Air Force officials recently revealed new details about schedule delays and rising costs on two major modernization programs: the B-52 bomber and the Minuteman III nuclear missile.

B-52 Modernization Program

The Air Force is working to make up for schedule delays and cost overruns on the B-52 modernization program. The program, which is intended to keep the bomber operational until the 2050s, has been plagued by technical challenges and supply chain issues.

As a result of the delays, the Air Force has increased its cost estimate for the program from $486 billion to $639 billion. The service is also now estimating that the program will not be completed until 2030, three years later than originally planned.

Minuteman III Modernization Program

The Air Force is also facing delays and cost overruns on the Minuteman III modernization program. The program, which is intended to replace the aging missiles with new, more accurate ones, has been delayed by technical issues and funding shortfalls.

The Air Force has increased its cost estimate for the program from $15.3 billion to $17.4 billion. The service is also now estimating that the program will not be completed until 2030, two years later than originally planned.

Congressional Oversight

The Air Force's modernization programs have come under scrutiny from Congress, which has expressed concern about the delays and cost overruns. A congressionally mandated review of the Minuteman III program found that the Air Force had underestimated the cost and complexity of the program.

The Air Force is working to address the concerns of Congress and is taking steps to improve its oversight of the modernization programs. The service has established a new program office to oversee the B-52 program and is working to improve its communication with Congress on both programs.
