How to Say and Write the Date August 17th, 2023 in English for Birthday and Marriage
Oral Pronunciation
To say the date August 17th, 2023 in English, use the following pronunciation:
- August seventeenth, two thousand twenty-three
Written Form
In written English, the date August 17th, 2023 can be expressed in two formats:
- Numeric format: 08/17/2023
- Ordinal format: August 17th, 2023
Numeric Format
The numeric format (08/17/2023) is commonly used in the United States and some other countries. It follows the order: month/day/year.
Ordinal Format
The ordinal format (August 17th, 2023) is more formal and is often used in official documents and correspondence. It includes the month name, the day number with the "th" suffix, and the year.
Usage in Different Contexts
- Birthday: "My birthday is August 17th, 2023."
- Marriage: "Our marriage anniversary is August 17th, 2023."
Additional Notes
- In the United Kingdom and some other countries, the date format is slightly different: dd/mm/yyyy (e.g., 17/08/2023).
- For dates before the year 2000, the "th" suffix is not typically used (e.g., August 17, 1999).